Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Sulawesi Island

Sulawesi Island

Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes, is a holiday destination that is becoming popular nowadays with those in search of the exotic. Most interesting to visitors are the more populated north and south regions while the central region is a little known area rarely visited ( through, of course, for some travelers this is the most attractive regions . Such as ; Bada Valley ( Lore Lindu ) for its Megalithic Culture and Birding site, Togean Islands with its fantastic under-sea-garden and its coral reefs, and Morowali Nature Reserve.

South Sulawesi

South Sulawesi is a region of dramatic contrasts - of rugged volcanic peaks and glistering white beaches. So it's hardly surprising the region is home to two vastly different peoples - the seafaring Bugis and the mysterious highland Torajans.

You'll drive through spectacular mountain, steep terraced slopes and tall bamboo forests to arrive in a true paradise of un-spoilt natural beauty. (You'll have no trouble understanding why the Torajans believe their forefather were descended from heaven, for this is heaven on earth). Most visitors can't wait to see the Toraja tombs - man-made caves cut into sheer cliff faces with eerie effigies on suspended balconies staring out across the jungle. In Toraja Culture a funeral isa festive event and elaborate rites are performed to ensure that souls pass to the afterworld in an appropriate manner. Families spend much on these feasts and if you're fortunate to be here for a burial ceremony you should be sure to contribute something such as food, soap or perhaps even money to assist the family. Be warned, though, some parts of the ceremony are not for the faint-hearted --- the slaughter by single sword stroke of a scared buffalo is common.

Funeral ceremony usually last about a week with the feasting , chanting and dancing continuing throughout the night. It is on the last day that the coffinis hauled carefully up the mountain side to the family gravesite amidst great shouting and excitement. The best known grave sites are at Lemo and Londa. Here the effigies are those of noblemen and other high-ranking community leaders.

You'll also be struck by the unusual architecture of the traditional Toraja house,the "tongkonan".The roof rises at both ends like the bow and stern of a ship and legend has it that this was the shape of the vessels that carried their ancestors here.

For a different experience visitors drive up for the trip to North Sulawesi, home of the friendly Minahasan people. As a result of Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch missionaries this is one fo the most Christianised places in Indonesia. Another heaven on earth, complete with beautiful coral reefs, white sandy beaches and clear, clear water. In the highlands there are lakes and invigorating hotwater springs. For nature lovers there is plenty of wildlife and easy jungle walks nearby. If you're a scuba diver,you'll even find gear and boat available.

There are also a number of interesting towns around the delightful Lake Tondano that you will want to visit. And while in the area, be sure to see the ancient megalithic monument known as Watung Pinabetengan. It's a mysterious, huge, anvil-shaped stone covered in as yet undeciphered.

The Bugis-Makasarese communities are known for their rigid social codes already regulated in their customs within the concept of pangadereng (beliefs) - which underline their social dynamic. Inherited customary rules were inscribed on Lontar leafs, called Latoa, which emphases the essence that God is the pivotal point of human life and this philosophy begets honesty, justice and wisdom as the primary virtues.

The Toraja land is situated amidst mountainous surrounding, the natural scenery is admirable, although the biggest appeal of Toraja is its traditional ceremonies.

While Islam is deeply rooted among Bugis-Makasar people, the Christian religions have replaced animism among the dwellers of Toraja highland. However old beliefs called Aluk Todolo still remain. Aluk Todolo in the Toraja language means ritual for the ancestor whom considered in contact with their descendants lives. The construction of their traditional houses is characterized by ritual. The shape of the roof, which is like the paws of a sail boat seems to retain the memory of big boats that carried their ancestor-presumably from Indochina arround 2,500 years B.C.A. Buffalo is not just an animal to help their ploughs in the rice field, but also assumes a symbolical existence. It is the form of life to sacrifice in honoring their genealogical roots, specially if the buffalo of big size with long horn. The most exclusive one is that with skin (albino), the Torajan believe in the continuance of life after death. This gives them the reason to work and accumulate wealth so as to avoid difficulties in the hereafter. The buffalo and pigs are sacrificed to accompanied them later.


North Sulawesi has an abundance and variety of accommodation and facilities available to meet the needs of travelers from backpackers and budget class to four-star resorts. The natural wonders of North Sulawesi make it well suited to both organized and adventure travel. The full spectrum of scuba diving activities is available in North Sulawesi. The diving ranges from the magnificent coral gardens of Bunaken Marine Park and Bangka Strait to the walls of fishes and underwater volcanoes of the Sangihe Islands to the unusual and rarely seen critters of Lembeh Strait. Land-based activities focus on rain forest hiking in Tangkoko Nature Reserve (home to the largest concentration of black crested macaques and the world's smallest primate, the tarsier) and Dumoga Bone National Park (home to the fabled babirusa pig deer), along with viewing scenic waterfalls, volcano climbing and river rafting and even golf. Exploring the Tomohon/Tondano highlands area, rice paddies, coconut plantations and flower gardens rounds out the activities.

Dive the clear waters, steep walls and world-class coral gardens of Bunaken Marine Park. Visit Bangka Strait for an encounter with whales, manta rays and other pelagics. Sail to the Sangihe Islands and dive in search of a sunken city, through walls of fishes or on an underwater volcano. Explore Lembeh Strait and discover its rare and unusual marine life and WWII shipwrecks. Whether you are a novice or an expert, we have the diving for you.

Visit the highland towns of Tomohon and Tondano. Clove and coconut plantations, rice paddies and flower gardens fill our highlands with the same beauty and serenity found in our smiling people. Visit a small pottery village and a Chinese Buddhist Temple. Pack a lunch and hike to a mountain waterfall. Enjoy a soak in one of our hot springs. Overnight at a cottage on Lake Tondano. Relax in the peaceful atmosphere and cool mountain air, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

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